We are involved in a lot of relationships. We have relationships with our spouses or significant others, children, family, jobs, church, the mailman, the cleaners, the butcher at the grocery store and so on. These are all entities that we spend time with, which is why we are in a relationship with them.
But what about our relationship with our money? When was the last time you really thought about how you feel about money? When was the last time you took a serious look at what you are spending your money on? We hear that we are having to do more with less, but are we really doing less? Are we really thinking about tomorrow or have we decided that this is my time and I have to do me?
Money is not evil. It is sometimes our misuse of it or lack of understanding of it that causes us discomfort at times. I would like to encourage us as we go into another year to think about our relationship with money. I would like for us to spend some time thinking about what we are spending our money on, how we are spending our money, when we are spending our money and who we are with when we are spending our money.
Take the time to get to know your money. Sit down and think about how you could change your spending habits, how you really could do more with less. Think about what is a 'must have' purchase. Start planning your menus for the week so when you go to the store, if it is not on the list, you should not buy it. As adorable as the school pictures are, do you need the deluxe package or can you get copies made? We have to really do a better job of seperating between a want and a need. Do you need a 'new' car or do you need 'another' car? Do you need a new livingroom set or bedroom set, or could you get away with some new pillows and some new cushions? When was the last time you flipped your mattress? Does it really have to be dry cleaned or can it be washed on the delicate cycle, hung up to dry and a little extra time spent using the iron? Do you really have to go to every high school and college homecoming/reunion?
We must begin to change our attitude about money. We have to believe that just because we have it, does not mean that we have to spend it. These are simple ways in which we can all began to spend more time with our money which hopefully will leave us with more money.
Let me know your thoughts... Keep the conversation going! Leave your comments by clicking on the "comments" link just below this post. Don't forget to share this with your facebook friends and follow me on twitter @askjema
Until next time
Be Blessed, Sisterfriend
This is so true. When we start looking at our relationship with money we will see a direct correlation to the way we make decisions in various areas of our lives as well as how we treat ourselves. Respect yourself, respect money, respect others and respect comes back to you.
Wow. As a one-income family, doing more with less isn't an option, it's our way of life. We don't have the luxury of getting a lot of "wants," we get what we "need." End of story. When we were in "feast" mode, that did not warrant arbitrary spending because "famine" was lurking around the corner. The current economic situation ain't new to Black folks. We've always known how to make due. I know how to live within (& beneath) my means! I do what I saw my (single) Mama do. I clip & use coupons, watch for sales. Grocery shopping means buying for meals that make leftovers, ya heard me? We don't buy "new," we buy "new to us," feel me? My personal spending habits and attitude toward money? Just fine, thanks! =) I'm working on getting my kids on MY page!
Saunjah you are on point. Looking at money as having a direct correlation to every aspect our lives is critical.
KimHen, I totally understand the one income. It definately requires you to take a look at things differently. I guess I just know too many people that refuse to take a look at their spending habits and make some adjustments.
Great Post! I like it for several reasons, but mostly because of this, "Money is not evil. It is sometimes our misuse of it or lack of understanding of it that causes us discomfort at times."
Many get it wrong when they say, "... money is the root of all evil." In actuality, it is the love of money that is the root of all evil. In fact, Timothy had it right when he said in 1 Timothy 6:10, "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."
In a recent article in Black Enterprise Magazine (online) about the biblical perspective of money. The article looks 7 Money Lessons from the Bible. After reading it, I thought it was appropriate to communicate them here:
1. Take control of debt. “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.” —Proverbs 22:7
2. Keep track of your money and think before you spend. “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it?” —Luke 14:28
3. Leave wealth for the next generation. “A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children...” —Proverbs 13:22a
4. Be honest in your financial dealings. “Dishonest money dwindles away, but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow.” —Proverbs 13:11
5. Seek financial counsel. “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.” —Proverbs 15:22
6. Use caution when co-signing a loan. “A man lacking judgment strikes hands in pledge and puts up security for his neighbor.” —Proverbs 17:18
7. Pay your taxes. “Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.” —Proverbs 13:7
Seems to me, on the money topic, you are touching and agreeing.
Professor, WOW!!!!!!
Those 7 Money Lessons from the Bible are awesome. If we would all just govern ourselves to the script that is before us, we would make much better decisions. Thanks again, that is very informative.
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