Thursday, December 30, 2010

Can I Have a Do Over?

This is the time of year when we all get to ask for a do over.  If we are blessed enough to make it to the next year, then we know that the answer is yes.  So if given the opportunity, what are you going to do with your do over? Are you going to take a look at your spending habits? Are you going to look at your inner circle and determine who needs to stay and who needs to go? Are you going to finally take those college courses and finish your degree?  Are you going to participate in your process or watch as it passes you by? Are you really going to join that exercise class, not just to lose weight but to do something just for you? Are you going to be a better partner or will the next year be like the last: all about you? Are you going to give your children more stuff or more beliefs, values and morals?

If I am blessed to get a do over, I plan to be an even better wife and mother. I plan to reach out a little more to people even though I know they could reach out to me as well. I plan to create more time for me and not feel guilty about it. I plan to make sure that Tailor Made Training & Consulting, LLC presents at least 10 training sessions this year.  I plan to make sure that I pay extra attention to my parents and to my husband's parents.  I plan to listen more to the still voice of the Holy Spirit and truly allow it to order my steps, to show me how to talk and to show me how to praise.  I plan to read more. I plan to start my book. I have three in me, so I should be able to get one out of me during my do over.  I plan to look at the suffering in Haiti of the women and children and see how I can help to make a difference. I plan to listen more and speak less, even if I know the answer.

As I have said before, I now realize that the better I am, the better those around me will be. So as you prepare for your do over, take the time to determine what is it all worth to you. If this is your last do over, what do you want people to say about you?

Let me know your thoughts... Keep the conversation going! Leave your comments by clicking on the "comments" link just below this post.  Don't forget to share this with your facebook friends and follow me on twitter  @askjema

Until next time
Be Blessed, Sisterfriend

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

When Was the Last Time...

We are involved in a lot of relationships.  We have relationships with our spouses or significant others, children, family, jobs, church, the mailman, the cleaners, the butcher at the grocery store and so on. These are all entities that we spend time with, which is why we are in a relationship with them. 

But what about our relationship with our money? When was the last time you really thought about how you feel about money? When was the last time you took a serious look at what you are spending your money on? We hear that we are having to do more with less, but are we really doing less? Are we really thinking about tomorrow or have we decided that this is my time and I have to do me?

Money is not evil. It is sometimes our misuse of it or lack of understanding of it that causes us discomfort at times. I would like to encourage us as we go into another year to think about our relationship with money. I would like for us to spend some time thinking about what we are spending our money on, how we are spending our money, when we are spending our money and who we are with when we are spending our money. 

Take the time to get to know your money. Sit down and think about how you could change your spending habits, how you really could do more with less.  Think about what is a 'must have' purchase.  Start planning your menus for the week so when you go to the store, if it is not on the list, you should not buy it.  As adorable as the school pictures are, do you need the deluxe package or can you get copies made? We have to really do a better job of seperating between a want and a need.  Do you need a 'new' car or do you need 'another' car?  Do you need a new livingroom set or bedroom set, or could you get away with some new pillows and some new cushions?  When was the last time you flipped your mattress? Does it really have to be dry cleaned or can it be washed on the delicate cycle, hung up to dry and a little extra time spent using the iron?  Do you really have to go to every high school  and college homecoming/reunion?

We must begin to change our attitude about money.  We have to believe that just because we have it, does not mean that we have to spend it. These are simple ways in which we can all began to spend more time with our money which hopefully will leave us with more money.

Let me know your thoughts... Keep the conversation going! Leave your comments by clicking on the "comments" link just below this post.  Don't forget to share this with your facebook friends and follow me on twitter  @askjema
Until next time
Be Blessed, Sisterfriend